Hard working engineer seeking to be part of a tech-team where I could bring my own experience in order to delivered high quality results. Engage with new technologies and develop solutions to artists and help them to achieve the goals sets. Work in an environment where I could learn and grow as a professional. Love the film insdustry.


In each of these projects I learned to work under pressure, and the organization of its various parts.
The effort and teamwork led me to finish with the highest quality the different objectives that each of these projects required. Proving that I can finalize any proposed activity.
The development of each of these projects demonstrated the different skills that I can apply for obtaining each of the objectives.
From the interconnection of hardware and assembling various electronics parts to the different programming languages ​​in order to prove their correct operation.


Roto Reel

Colour Grading


Random Population Tool used in MAYA

Tool for randomize placing of people in faces of a plane. Maya Software

  • Python code using PyCharm

BreakDown Tool GG Shot 030

TThis tool was built to increase the efficient in my pipeline in order to render all the renderLayers folders in one run. Nuke software

  • Python code using PyCharm

Tool QC render NUKE

This tool was built to QC renders in NUKE Nuke software

  • Python code using PyCharm

3pt Light rig for maya

This tool was built to help modelers set up 3pt light for turntables Maya software

  • Python code

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